



寻求稳定职业的个人, 旅行的机会, and the chance to be their own boss may find commercial truck driving is a good option. 消费者和企业支出继续增加, 所以需要商业卡车司机来运输和运送货物. 

作为一家货运公司的老板, 个人需要自我激励, 面向安全, 注重细节, 并且对如何驾驶和修理卡车有一个牢固的理解. 除了开车, 他们必须遵守地方和州的规定, 遵守交通规则, 并监督保险等商业问题, 市场营销, 和维护. 

这个职业对安全有特殊的要求, 健康, 和许可, 但对于那些喜欢开车并想拥有一家货运公司的人来说, 完成这些步骤可能是值得的. Interested individuals should read on to learn how 成为一名自营卡车司机. 一项主要的教育要求是完成一项 商业驾驶计划 在获得驾照和积累一些道路经验之前. 


An owner-operator truck driver oversees their own commercial trucking company, 但他们也承担着许多与普通卡车司机相同的职责. 他们用慢车把货物从一个地方运到另一个地方, 区域, 或者长途航线, 有时用链条固定物品, 绳子, 和块. 运输危险物品的司机, 例如化学废物, 必须携带专门的安全设备以防事故发生. 

Truck owners are responsible for inspecting their trucks and recording any defects, 进行定期维修和清洁, 并保持当前的维护记录. 的y must follow state and federal transportation regulations by keeping a detailed travel log of their trips. 司机还需要遵守当地的交通法规.

Truck owner-operators are also responsible for overseeing business-related functions, 包括客户服务, 合同管理, 和财务管理(e.g.、记账和纳税).


Specific skills and qualities are required in the owner-operator trucking field. Individuals should examine their skill level before enrolling in commercial driving school.

  • 身体健康高血压等疾病, 睡眠呼吸暂停, 癫痫病会使人失去从事长途卡车运输工作的资格. 的 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has a full list of disqualifying medical conditions to review.
  • 手眼协调能力: 商用卡车司机必须使用手臂, 腿, and eyes simultaneously to operate the truck and remain aware of their surroundings.
  • 视觉和听觉能力: 灵敏的听觉和视力是联邦政府对商业司机的要求. 每只眼睛至少要有20/40的视力, 戴或不戴眼镜或隐形眼镜, 还有70度的视野. Drivers must also be able to detect a whisper at least five feet away in one ear, 不管他们是否使用助听器.
  • 导航和汽车知识: 因为驾驶是这个角色的主要职责, owner-operators should have fundamental knowledge of how their vehicles work and how to repair them. 他们还应该精通阅读GPS地图和规划路线.

Steps to Become an Owner-Operator Truck Driver<

在他们拥有自己的货运业务之前, 个人必须采取一些鲜明的态度, 法律规定的初始步骤:

1. 获得高中文凭,并获得驾驶执照

对于那些想知道如何成为一名自营卡车司机的人, it begins by earning a high school diploma and obtaining a non商用驾照. This is typically the minimum education required to obtain a 商用驾照 (CDL). 然而, 个人应向当地执照局确认资格, 比如机动车管理局.

2. 完成商业卡车运输学校

商业驾驶学校 teach students how to successfully operate 过时, ranging in gross weight from 26,001 to 80,000磅. 的se programs combine classroom and on-the-road training to prepare individuals to qualify for a CDL and for entry-level truck driving positions. 学生们接受自动和手动变速器的培训. 这些课程的长度因学校而异, 但它们往往可以在短短六个月内完成. 

3. 选择商业驾驶执照类别

重型和牵引拖车司机必须持有 商用驾照. Depending on the state, the minimum age to get a CDL is either 18 or 21 years old. This age range also relates to whether the driver will be doing intrastate or interstate driving. 个人需要选择是否追求 A、B或C级CDL. This choice depends on the individual's career goals, interests, and physical abilities. 

A Class A CDL allows an individual to operate combination trucks that have a maximum gross weight exceeding 26,000磅. 这些是最大、最重的商用卡车, 有两个或更多轴的, 也被称为大钻机, 过时,, 还有半挂车. A Class B CDL allows an individual to operate single vehicles exceeding 26,000磅, 比如校车, 垃圾车, 运货车, 还有自卸卡车. A Class C CDL allows an individual to operate single commercial vehicles of less than 26,运送乘客或危险物品.

4. 取得商业驾驶执照

Individuals need to obtain their CDL through the Department of Motor Vehicles in their home state. 有资格获得CDL, 候选人需要无驾驶记录, 通过毒品和背景测试, 有高中文凭吗, 持有有效的非商业驾驶执照, 并出示居住证明. Prospective drivers also need to pass a physical exam, a written test, and a road skills test. 

想要操作专用卡车的司机, 比如那些含有有害物质或有三辆拖车的车, 还需要背书吗. An endorsement is an additional certification that permits them to operate the truck. Prospective specialized commercial operators will have to pass a background check and complete a separate written exam. 个人应向所在州确认相关要求. 

维持他们的CDL, commercial truck drivers need to pass a physical exam every two years and maintain a clean driving record. It’s not uncommon for truck drivers to be randomly tested for drugs and alcohol by federal authorities.

5. 获得工作经验

在开始自营货运业务之前, 十大正规赌博平台大全毕业生应该获得工作经验. 毕业生通常会在货运公司找到工作. Initial training is completed with a mentor-driver in the passenger seat to provide guidance. 培训时间长短不一, but it’s an opportunity to gain supervised experience driving a truck in many types of conditions and facing a range of on-the-road situations. 

6. 建立业务

Once a commercial driver has established strong driving and administrative skills, 他们可以开始自己的事业. This process typically involves establishing a business entity with the secretary of state, 申请美国国籍.S. 美国运输部(USDOT)号码, 并获得汽车承运人(MC)号码,以获得运营权限. Owner-operators also purchase or lease their own truck, and must obtain truck insurance. 完成这些步骤后, they will establish their administrative systems and begin looking for clients. 


Employment of heavy and tractor-trailer commercial truck drivers is projected to grow 4% between 2022 and 2032, 根据美国.S. 劳工统计局. 的 need for truck drivers is projected to increase due to the buying habits of businesses and consumers. Job openings over the decade are also the result of driver retirements and the shift of drivers to other professions. 


商业卡车运输业正在崛起, 在短短六个月内就可以进入这个领域. 如果你想学的话 成为一名自营卡车司机, Fortis’ commercial truck driving program is a great way to gain fundamental truck driving skills and prepare to qualify for a 商用驾照. 的 高级拖拉机拖车驾驶证书 十大正规赌博平台大全-在四十堡富通学院校区提供, 宾夕法尼亚州——注重安全程序, 法律, 政策, 和力学. 

Find out how to get started on the path toward owning and operating a trucking business with 富通的商业驾驶计划.



DAT Solutions,“如何成为一名商用卡车司机”
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Commercial Driver's License 程序
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 开始 with Registration 
事实上,“CDL和CDL的5个关键区别”. 非cdl驾驶执照”
U.S. 劳工统计局,重型和拖拉机拖车司机
U.S. 人口普查局,“美国继续在卡车上”
标签: 商业驱动